Sunday, February 9, 2025

February Fun!

Happy Valentine’s Day!! From our hearts to yours, please enjoy this short story…

A Valentine’s Day Yoga Adventure 

Once upon a time, in an enchanted garden filled with love and laughter, two little friends, Bree and Ben, went on a Valentine’s yoga journey to deliver a special love letter to a magical heart tree.

“Perhaps we need to fly to there!” said Bree. Bree and Ben sat down and began flapping their knees like wings. 

Butterfly Pose 

Sit with a straight spine, knees bent and the soles of the feet together. Hold the feet or toes with the hands, relax the knees then gently flap them up and down for a for breaths. 

“I think we need to crawl under the rainbow bridge,” said Ben, “Let’s stretch first.” They folded forward, then walked their hands out in front, stretching their spines and legs. Flowers covered the ground, and they sniffed the sweet scent. “Look at all the heart-shaped roses!” he said.

Downward-Facing Dog 

Begin on all fours. Hands under shoulders, fingers spread wide, and knees under hips. Tuck your toes under lift your hips up until your body forms an upside down "V". Straighten your legs while pushing your heels toward the floor. Relax your head and look at your toes. 

On the other side of the rainbow bridge, they found a still pond covered with lovely water lilies. Jumping like frogs, they hopped from one heart-shaped lily pad to another. “Ribbit! Ribbit! Almost there!” they laughed. 

Frog Pose 

Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart and your toes turned out. Bend your knees and lower your hips toward the floor. Press your elbows into your thighs. Bring your palms together in front of your heart. Lengthen your spine and lift the crown of your head. 

Once they reached the garden, they stood tall and pretended to be big, beautiful trees with heart-shaped leaves swaying in the wind. 

Tree Pose 

Stand tall in Mountain pose. Bend one knee and turn it out to the side. Place the foot on calf. Bring your hands together at your heart then lift them above your head. Balance. Breathe. Repeat on the opposite side. 

“Oh no, we must not let our love letter blow away! We must protect it from the wind,” they cried. 

Warrior I 

Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Step back with one leg, turn the toes out at an angle. Square your hips toward the front leg. Bend your front knee until it's at a 90-degree angle, or as far as you can comfortably go. Inhale and raise your arms overhead, keeping them straight with your palms facing each other. Hold the pose for a few breaths. Repeat on the opposite side. 

Now, how were they going to find the magical heart tree? They reached their arms and feet out wide, becoming shining stars to light the way. “It’s over there!” they cheered.

Star Pose

Stand in mountain pose with your feet hip-width apart. Step your feet out wide, turning the toes out. Extend your arms out to your sides. Press down through your feet. Shine like a star!

Arriving at the magical tree, they lay on their bellies and slipped the love letter into the heart-shaped opening. 

Cobra Pose 

Lie on your belly. Feet hip-width apart and toes pointed back. Place your hands on the ground, just outside of your shoulders. Bend your elbows and keep them close to your sides. Inhale and lift your head and chest. Look forward, breathe, release. 

The magical heart tree began to sparkle and glow. Bree and Ben heard a whisper, “Thank you for your love.”  They rolled over onto their backs and imagined all the love spreading across the world like little sparkles.

“Namaste,” they said, smiling at each other. Their yoga adventure had filled their hearts with love and laughter. 

Rest Pose 

Lie on your back on a flat surface with your arms and legs spread out comfortably. Close your eyes. Rest. 

We hope you enjoyed this Valentine Yoga Storytelling Adventure as much as we did!

And...we’ve got NEWS!

We’re gearing up for the launch of our 6th book, The Wish Fish, and we want you to be part of it! As a launch team member, you get an opportunity to help shape our success. Here’s how it works;

🐟 Read an exclusive early copy of The Wish Fish.

🐟 Prepare an honest review

🐟 Buy the book for FREE on launch day (guarantees your review will show as a verified purchase)

🐟 Leave the review at Amazon on launch day

Easy peasy, right? We hope you’ll join; launch team members get a chance to win a signed paperback copy when the book goes LIVE!

Ready to join this exciting journey? Sign up today and be a part of something extraordinary! Click the link >


Kathe and Mel


Sunday, January 12, 2025

Strengthen Your Immune System with Dao Yin

Wishing you health and happiness in 2025 and offering support on your wellness journey! 

As yogis, we know the power of mindful movement and breath to nurture body, mind, and spirit. This month, we want to share the ancient Chinese practice of Dao Yin—a powerful complement to your yoga practice that can help boost your immune system and build nervous system resilience.

Dao Yin combines gentle tapping with a soft fist as well as slow mindful inhales and exhales to enhance the flow of Qi (vital energy) in the body. This practice has been celebrated for centuries for its ability to strengthen the body's defenses and promote overall wellness.

Here’s how Dao Yin supports your immunity and builds resilience 

✨ Enhances Circulation: gentle tapping encourages lymphatic flow, vital for flushing out toxins.

✨ Reduces Stress: slow mindful breathing lowers stress hormones that can weaken immunity.

✨ Promotes Relaxation: fostering deep rest, allowing your body to repair and recharge.

Want to try this 10 minute practice? Click here > Dao Yin 

Good health isn’t something we simply wish for—it’s a commitment to action, consistency, and self-care. 

Speaking of wishes, as we dive into 2025, we want to share news of our upcoming book! 

The Wish Fish, is scheduled to be released in early April, whoo-hoo!

     This yoga storytelling adventure takes us on a thrilling journey to Japan, where a humble fisherman catches a glittering golden fish that offers to grant wishes if he is released. The fisherman wishes to live a simple life, but his greedy wife wants more. How far will it go?

     In this timeless tale simplicity, satisfaction, and gratitude are exemplified. Although intended for ages 4 to 8, kids of all ages will be entranced.

      Included is a Japanese word guide to help develop an appreciation of a different language, and best of all; a full description of yoga poses make the story come alive as you go on A Yoga Storytelling Adventure

The Wish Fish is the perfect companion to inspire both you and your child as you dive into a year full of possibilities. 


Kathe and Mel

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Happy Holiday Wishes

The holidays are here, bringing a season of wonder, togetherness, and (let’s be honest) a little chaos. Between the festive buzz and endless to-do lists, it’s easy for kids—and parents—to feel overwhelmed. But don’t worry, we’ve got some ideas to help you weave in calm, creativity, and connection during this special time.

This month, we’re sharing a holiday-themed yoga practice along with a magical Christmas story to bring your family closer. We hope you enjoy the adventure!

A Magical Christmas Eve Yoga Adventure

It was Christmas Eve, and the world outside shimmered under a blanket of snow, sparkling like a winter wonderland. Friends and family gathered around the glowing warmth of the fireplace, their cheeks rosy from the cold and their hearts brimming with excitement. “How can we make this night even more magical?” someone wondered aloud.

Just then, a soft, shimmering voice drifted in with the gentle winter breeze: “Let the magic begin!”

Everyone fell silent, and one by one, they stood, planting their feet firmly into the ground. With arms slowly stretching upward like branches of a tree, they imagined themselves as Christmas trees in a peaceful forest. “We are trees,” they whispered together, fingers wiggling like twinkling lights. “Standing bright and strong, we light the way for all who wander here.” A warm glow filled the room as they imagined their trees shining with joy.

Christmas Tree pose – Tree Pose

Stand with feet together in Mountain pose. Come up on to the toes of one foot and turn your knee out to the side. Rest the heel on the side of the foot, or up on the calf, not on the knee. Bring your hands together at your heart and balance. When you are ready lift your arms overhead and grow your tree, then open the arms. Breathe. Slowly release and repeat on the opposite side. 

The sound of soft crunching snow broke through the stillness. A playful reindeer appeared, bounding toward them, its antlers glistening with frost. “Hurry!” it called with a cheerful laugh. “The stars are waiting to show us the way!”

Everyone followed eagerly, running with nimble legs like a reindeer as they leaped through the frosty fields. The crisp winter air rushed past them, and they felt free and swift on a mission to spread cheer.

Reindeer pose – Warrior I

Standing tall step the right foot forward, turn the left toes out to the side at an angle. Inhale and lift the arms overhead (these are your reindeer antlers), exhale as you bend the front knee. Pause and breathe. Feel strong and steady like a warrior, feel strong and sleek like a reindeer. 

Before long, they reached an open meadow blanketed in snow. Above, the night sky stretched endlessly, twinkling with countless stars. “Let’s become stars, too!” they said.

Stretching arms and legs wide, they gazed upward in awe, becoming stars in the quiet winter night and imagined their light shining down for all to see.  Fingers wiggling like the brightest twinkles in the sky, they sent kindness out and filled the air with magic that seemed to reach every corner of the world.

Star pose

From standing tall in mountain pose. Step the feet out wide, turn the toes out bringing them into alignment with the knee. Reach the arms out at shoulder height. Twinkle like a star. 

They lowered themselves gently onto the soft snow, the reindeer curled up beside them. It was time to rest.  Breathing in deeply and exhaling slowly, they listened to the calm that surrounded them. The snow fell like a peaceful lullaby.

Child’s pose

Come to sitting on your knees, hips resting on your heels, toes touching. Inhale and fold forward bringing the forward to the ground. The arms rest alongside the body, palms facing up. Pause and breathe. 

With eyes fluttering closed, they heard a soft voice, “You’ve done well, your light, joy, and kindness have made this Christmas Eve truly magical.”

The End

Holiday Tip 

You might not have time for story and yoga every day, however, it’s great if you can take a few minutes each day for mindful breathing as a family. Sit together, close your eyes, and breathe deeply. It’s a simple way to stay centered and enjoy the magic of the season. 

Here’s wishing you a holiday filled with peace, love, and memorable moments. Remember, it’s the time you share—not the things you buy—that your children will cherish forever.

Warm Wishes for a happy, healthy holiday!


Kathe and Mel

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Thanksgiving: A time to celebrate abundance, generosity, and humility


Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and as it nears, it encourages us to reflect on abundance, generosity, and humility!

It's a season of gathering with loved ones, sharing a feast, and expressing gratitude. Beyond the celebration, it offers a chance to embrace these timeless values.

Abundance: True abundance goes beyond material wealth. It’s about recognizing life’s richness—family, friendships, nature, and moments of joy. Thanksgiving reminds us to appreciate not just the food on the table, but the intangible blessings around us.

Generosity: Thanksgiving is also about sharing our blessings. Generosity, whether through a meal, kind words, or time, spreads goodness. Even small acts of kindness can have a big impact, creating a cycle of giving and receiving.

Humility: Humility grounds us in gratitude, reminding us that our blessings are not solely our own doing. Thanksgiving invites us to stay thankful for the people and experiences that have shaped us, fostering a deeper connection and joy.

As we celebrate, may we reflect on life’s abundance, practice generosity, and embrace humility. By doing so, we create a more compassionate and connected world!

Our title “The Magic Peach Tree” abounds with abundance, generosity, and humility! And we are overjoyed to share that it has been included in the Elite Books 4 Kids Gift Guide. Every year a team of 6 Junior Reviewers read and critique hundreds of books. These books, from self-published indie authors, are carefully screened and approved. We are so very grateful to have been included!

Check out the online catalog and please feel free to share the link with anyone you think may benefit >

In addition, The Magic Peach Tree eBook will be free Nov. 18, 19, 20, get it while you can. It just may be a great conversation starter!

Grab it here >


Kathe and Mel

Monday, October 28, 2024

Seeking Balance in a Wobbly World

As humans, we are designed to thrive in a natural rhythm—a dance between movement and rest. September brought the equinox, symbolizing the balance of light and dark, and marking a transition between summer and winter. It serves as a reminder for us to seek balance in our own lives.

But how can we, as parents and caregivers, guide our children to embrace balance in their everyday lives? What innate tools and resources can we tap into to help? Perhaps the key lies in practices like breathwork, mindful movement, and imaginative play, all of which naturally bring balance to the nervous system.

As the seasons shift, we are invited to pause, reflect, and recalibrate. This is the perfect moment to turn towards nourishing habits and routines. Start with these practices for yourself, and once you're comfortable, share them with your children.

Balanced Breathing

Balanced breath is a simple technique that calms the mind and enhances focus. It involves four stages—inhale, hold, exhale, and pause—each for an equal count.

  • Find a comfortable seated position.
  • Inhale through your nose for a count of 3.
  • Retain the breath for a count of 3.
  • Exhale through your nose for a count of 3.
  • Suspend the breath for a count of 3.
  • Repeat for a few minutes, focusing on the ebb and flow of each breath.

Mindful Movement

The Sun Salutation is a series of yoga poses that both stretch and strengthen the body, it can be both calming and energizing. It’s a great practice for restoring balance to the nervous system. Aim to do 3 rounds, 3 times a week.

Imaginative Play

Children understand the world around them through imaginative play. By acting out daily scenarios, trying on different roles, and re-enacting conversations, they process experiences on a social-emotional level.

For a fun, immersive experience, check out our A Yoga Storytelling Adventure series. These books invite kids to step into the story, imagining themselves as the characters they make the story come alive!

Grab The Impossible Dream eBook for FREE, Oct. 21, 22, and 23. This was our first book baby and October is it's birthday month. 

Get it here >

Sunday, September 15, 2024

What do books, yoga, and breakout games have in common?


Though the connection between yoga, books, and escape rooms might seem unexpected, they all share a common theme of mental stimulation, problem-solving, and self-discovery. Here’s how they can be connected:

1. Mental Engagement

  • Books: Reading stimulates the mind, engages imagination, and promotes critical thinking.
  • Escape Rooms: Solving puzzles requires intense mental focus, creativity, and problem-solving skills.
  • Yoga: The mental engagement in yoga comes from focusing on breathing, postures, and mindfulness, creating a state of mental clarity.

All three activities encourage the use of the mind in different but overlapping ways, allowing people to disconnect from daily distractions and concentrate on a specific goal.

2. Immersive Experience

  • Books immerse readers into new worlds through storytelling.
  • Escape Rooms offer immersive environments that transport participants into thematic scenarios.
  • Yoga is an immersive physical and mental practice that helps individuals reconnect with their body and mind, creating a state similar to how one might get lost in a book or an escape room.

3. Problem-Solving and Focus

  • Books often challenge readers to piece together clues or deeper meanings.
  • In escape rooms, participants must solve complex puzzles to "escape."
  • Yoga requires attention to balance, alignment, and breath, offering a form of internal problem-solving and focus.

4. Escapism

  • Books: Reading allows people to escape into different worlds.
  • Escape Rooms: Participants must escape from fictional scenarios in a fun, immersive environment.
  • Yoga: Yoga offers an inward escape, guiding practitioners away from daily stress and into a meditative, peaceful state.

5. Personal Growth

  • Books offer new perspectives, knowledge, and personal insights.
  • Escape Rooms can promote teamwork, patience, and critical thinking, pushing individuals beyond their comfort zones.
  • Yoga helps with self-awareness, inner peace, and personal growth.

Thus, all three—yoga, books, and escape rooms—provide pathways for mental and sometimes physical escape, enhancing focus, creativity, and personal growth.

Escape with your child today, grab one of our kid’s yoga story books and go on A Yoga Storytelling Adventure today!

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Healing Through Story, Yoga, and Meditation


Camp Brave Hearts is a special place dedicated to children who have lost loved ones. It is a weeklong event sponsored by Hospice of Acadiana. Each year, Mel and I volunteer to bring together the therapeutic practices of story, yoga, and meditation to help young hearts mend and find peace amidst their grief.

Camp Brave Hearts stands as a sanctuary where children can express their emotions freely, surrounded by peers who understand their pain. This supportive environment fosters a sense of community, reminding them that they are not alone in their journey through grief.

Stories have always been a fundamental part of human experience, serving as a bridge between individuals and a means to convey emotions, lessons, and shared experiences. When we tell stories to the kids, we see their eyes light up. It's like they see a part of themselves in the characters, and that connection helps them process their own feelings. Storytelling opens a door to healing by allowing them to explore their grief in a safe and nurturing way.

We then guide the children through a gentle heart opening yoga sequence and a short meditation practice. These sessions are designed to help the kids connect with their inner selves, find calmness, and release the tension that grief often brings.

It is our hope that yoga and meditation provide the kids with tools to manage their stress and emotions. Through mindful breathing and gentle movements, may they learn to find a sense of peace and grounding, even amidst their sorrow.

Together, we can continue to create a nurturing environment where children can heal, grow, and find hope in the midst of their grief. Thank you for supporting our mission and helping us make a lasting impact on the lives of children.

Perhaps you too feel sad at times. If so, we invite you to practice this short meditation.

Get it here> Heart Light Meditation


Kathe and Mel