Sunday, September 15, 2024

What do books, yoga, and breakout games have in common?


Though the connection between yoga, books, and escape rooms might seem unexpected, they all share a common theme of mental stimulation, problem-solving, and self-discovery. Here’s how they can be connected:

1. Mental Engagement

  • Books: Reading stimulates the mind, engages imagination, and promotes critical thinking.
  • Escape Rooms: Solving puzzles requires intense mental focus, creativity, and problem-solving skills.
  • Yoga: The mental engagement in yoga comes from focusing on breathing, postures, and mindfulness, creating a state of mental clarity.

All three activities encourage the use of the mind in different but overlapping ways, allowing people to disconnect from daily distractions and concentrate on a specific goal.

2. Immersive Experience

  • Books immerse readers into new worlds through storytelling.
  • Escape Rooms offer immersive environments that transport participants into thematic scenarios.
  • Yoga is an immersive physical and mental practice that helps individuals reconnect with their body and mind, creating a state similar to how one might get lost in a book or an escape room.

3. Problem-Solving and Focus

  • Books often challenge readers to piece together clues or deeper meanings.
  • In escape rooms, participants must solve complex puzzles to "escape."
  • Yoga requires attention to balance, alignment, and breath, offering a form of internal problem-solving and focus.

4. Escapism

  • Books: Reading allows people to escape into different worlds.
  • Escape Rooms: Participants must escape from fictional scenarios in a fun, immersive environment.
  • Yoga: Yoga offers an inward escape, guiding practitioners away from daily stress and into a meditative, peaceful state.

5. Personal Growth

  • Books offer new perspectives, knowledge, and personal insights.
  • Escape Rooms can promote teamwork, patience, and critical thinking, pushing individuals beyond their comfort zones.
  • Yoga helps with self-awareness, inner peace, and personal growth.

Thus, all three—yoga, books, and escape rooms—provide pathways for mental and sometimes physical escape, enhancing focus, creativity, and personal growth.

Escape with your child today, grab one of our kid’s yoga story books and go on A Yoga Storytelling Adventure today!

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Healing Through Story, Yoga, and Meditation


Camp Brave Hearts is a special place dedicated to children who have lost loved ones. It is a weeklong event sponsored by Hospice of Acadiana. Each year, Mel and I volunteer to bring together the therapeutic practices of story, yoga, and meditation to help young hearts mend and find peace amidst their grief.

Camp Brave Hearts stands as a sanctuary where children can express their emotions freely, surrounded by peers who understand their pain. This supportive environment fosters a sense of community, reminding them that they are not alone in their journey through grief.

Stories have always been a fundamental part of human experience, serving as a bridge between individuals and a means to convey emotions, lessons, and shared experiences. When we tell stories to the kids, we see their eyes light up. It's like they see a part of themselves in the characters, and that connection helps them process their own feelings. Storytelling opens a door to healing by allowing them to explore their grief in a safe and nurturing way.

We then guide the children through a gentle heart opening yoga sequence and a short meditation practice. These sessions are designed to help the kids connect with their inner selves, find calmness, and release the tension that grief often brings.

It is our hope that yoga and meditation provide the kids with tools to manage their stress and emotions. Through mindful breathing and gentle movements, may they learn to find a sense of peace and grounding, even amidst their sorrow.

Together, we can continue to create a nurturing environment where children can heal, grow, and find hope in the midst of their grief. Thank you for supporting our mission and helping us make a lasting impact on the lives of children.

Perhaps you too feel sad at times. If so, we invite you to practice this short meditation.

Get it here> Heart Light Meditation


Kathe and Mel 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Summer Safari Adventure


Hey there adventurers!

As the temperature rises and the sun shines brighter, we thought it was time for a wild journey. Get ready to explore the savannah, meet exotic animals and cool down with a short but fun yoga story!

This safari is perfect for kids looking to stretch, breathe, and have a roaring good time. We’ll start with active and engaging poses and move into calming poses, and remember, do asymmetrical poses on both sides.

Let’s fly away in a big jet plane. We are on our way to Africa where the air is warm, and the sky is painted in shades of blue and orange.

1.         Airplane pose – Warrior III

Stand tall in Mountain pose, stand on one leg and lift one leg behind you as your lift your arms out front of you or in a big T like airplane wings, lean forward and balance. (repeat on the opposite side)

It took a long time, but we made it! Stepping off the plane and onto the golden grasslands of the savannah, we hear the rustle of leaves and the calls of distant animals. Look! A graceful giraffe is munching on leaves high up in a tree.  

2.        Giraffe stretch – Standing Side Stretch

Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart. Reach your arms up high, clasp your hands together, and gently sway side to side like a giraffe stretching its neck to nibble on the highest leaves. Feel the stretch in your sides and take in the view from up high.

The sun is getting hotter when we notice a refreshing waterhole. Elephants are splashing water and zebras are taking sips. It’s the perfect place for the animals to cool off!

3.        Elephant pose – Wide Leg Forward Fold

Step your feet wide apart. Lift your arms overhead and interlace your fingers. Fold forward and let your arms dangle in front of you like an elephant's trunk. Take a deep breath in, swing your trunk up, and exhale as you swing it down. Imagine you're splashing cool water everywhere!

4.        Zebra pose – Warrior I

From Wide Leg Forward Fold step the feet together, then step one leg back. Inhale and lift the arms overhead, exhale as you bend the front knee. Pause and breathe. Feel strong and steady like a zebra standing tall and proud. (repeat on the opposite side)

As the sun sets, the sky turns a beautiful shade of pink and purple. A lion roars, will we meet the king of the jungle? Playful monkey’s chatter, are they saying good night?

5.        Lion Pose

Get down on your knees, spread your fingers wide like lion's claws, take a deep breath, and let out a mighty ROAR! Feel the power and strength of the lion as you release all your worries.

6.        Monkey pose -Hamstring stretch

Sit on the ground and stretch one leg out in front of you and the other leg behind. The hands are alongside the front leg. Gently fold over the front leg. Imagine you're a monkey leaping from tree to tree. (repeat on the opposite side)

The animals start to settle down. It’s time to relax and unwind. A rhino rests nearby and so will we. It’s time for some gentle stretches and a peaceful end to our safari adventure.

7.        Rhino pose – Child’s pose

Kneel on the ground, sit back on your heels, and stretch your arms forward, lowering your forehead to the ground. Breathe deeply and feel the warmth of the setting sun on your back. This pose helps us relax and feel safe, just like the animals resting for the night.

8.        Rest pose - Savasana

Lie down on your back with your arms and legs spread out like a star. Close your eyes and take slow, deep breaths. Imagine you’re looking up at the twinkling stars in the savannah night sky. Let your body melt into the ground, feeling completely relaxed.

Remember, just like the animals of the savannah, we are strong, graceful, playful, and peaceful. Keep practicing your yoga, stay cool this summer, and always be ready for the next adventure!

Benefits of Fast Yoga Poses with Kids

Kids often have a lot of energy and a strong desire to move. Moving quickly through poses helps keep them attentive and aware. They notice the movement of energy, the rhythm, and the flow. Yoga sequences are often done with one pose per breath. This fast-paced approach is a great way to get kids active, whether in a classroom or at home in the morning. You can go through the sequence a couple of times and really get the energy moving!

Benefits of Slow Yoga Poses with Kids

Trying out poses one at a time and staying in them for a breath or two is great for building strength and flexibility. Yoga is good for building muscles, and this is especially true when we practice poses slowly. Doing yoga at a slower pace helps kids focus on their alignment, which can help keep them from hurting themselves. Slowing down also naturally brings more focus to breath and mindfulness. Kids can learn about body anatomy, proprioception (awareness of their body in space), and body control when doing yoga poses one at a time. Additionally, practicing yoga slowly teaches kids about patience and stamina.

Finding the right balance between fast and slow yoga poses can help create a fun yet engaging and effective yoga practice for kids, keeping them active and mindful throughout the summer.

Looking for more FREE resources? 

Dive into our comprehensive 10-page RESOURCE GUIDE, packed with Creative Curriculum Ideas, thought provoking Concepts to Consider, and engaging Conversation Starters. Plus, explore our exclusive TOOLKITS tailored for each of our books – perfect for both homeschool and classroom settings.

Discover all this and more at

Until next time,


Kathe and Mel





Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Dance for the Sun!


🌞 Celebrate International Yoga Day and the Summer Solstice with a Dance for the Sun!

It has been said, “Yoga is not just about exercise; it is a way to discover the oneness within yourself, the world, and nature.”

International Yoga Day is a global celebration of the profound significance of yoga, held annually on June 21, which also marks the summer solstice. This special day honors the sun's light and warmth and celebrates Earth's incredible journey around the sun. It's a magical time to dive deep within and discover your own inner light!

One exciting tradition is to practice 108 Sun Salutations. Why 108? Well, it’s a sacred number in the yogic tradition, symbolizing the universe's wholeness. But let’s be real—that’s a lot of sun salutations! 😅

For a more practical approach, how about trying 12 Sun Salutations? This number aligns perfectly with the 12 poses in the sequence, the 12 months of the year, and the 12 zodiac signs. And if you're practicing with kids, start with just 1 and go with the flow! Maybe aim for 3, symbolizing body, mind, and spirit.

The Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar) is like a ‘mandala’ or circle of poses. ‘Surya’ means ‘sun’ and ‘namaskar’ means ‘bow to.’ The series starts and ends with hands together at the heart, using the breath as your guide, flowing smoothly from one pose to the next. The inhale nurtures, and the exhale releases what no longer serves us. Just like the sun, Sun Salutations are both energizing and relaxing, giving us exactly what we need.

Benefits of Sun Salutations:

  • Improve focus and attention
  • Increase flexibility and strength
  • Enhance balance and coordination
  • Calm and regulate emotions

Surya Namaskar can be a daily practice, reminding us that there's always an inner sun shining, even on cloudy days!

So, as you celebrate International Yoga Day and the summer solstice, remember:

The light in me sees the light in you.

Xoxo, Kathe and Mel 🌸

Get Moving with the Sun Salutation Sequence! ☀️

  1. Mountain Pose 
    • Stand tall with hands at your heart.
  2. Upward Salute 
    • Inhale, reach arms up.
  3. Standing Forward Bend 
    • Exhale, fold forward.
  4. Low Lunge 
    • Inhale, step the right leg back. 
  5. Downward Facing Dog 
    • Exhale, step the left leg back and lift the hips high.
  6. Eight Point Pose 
    • Inhale, and lower. Toes, knees, hands, chest, and chin touch the ground.
  7. Cobra Pose 
    • Inhale, lift head and chest.
  8. Downward Facing Dog
    • Exhale, hips up and back.
  9. Low Lunge 
    • Inhale, step the right foot forward.
  10. Standing Forward Bend 
    • Exhale, fold forward.
  11. Upward Salute 
    • Inhale, reach up.
  12. Mountain Pose
    • Exhale, hands to heart.

Enjoy your practice and feel the sun's warmth within! 

P.S. Thought we'd share some stats from a recent promo, #1 in 3 categories, woohoo!!

Sunday, May 19, 2024

May is Mental Health Month


Here’s a short sequence to practice with your kiddos! Begin in Mountain pose and move clockwise, end nice and calm in Rest pose. 

Just like adults, children’s ability to relax has a significant impact on their mental health. The state of balance doesn’t always come naturally, that is why we ‘practice’ yoga. A regular yoga practice allows children to redirect their energy, calming both the body and the mind. Yoga increases a child’s well-being and enhances self-worth and may be helpful for those who are destructive and aggressive as well.

Anyone can do yoga, there is no need to worry about getting it wrong. The difference between yoga and other sports is that we move slowly into and out of poses while focusing on the breath. Gentle stretches relax us. Improved posture, balance, strength, and flexibility are a few of the physical benefits.

Compassion and empathy are developed. Memory and overall mood are enhanced and controlled studies have shown that yoga helps students’ anxiety as well as behavior. 

We want our children to reach their full potential. As parents and educators, we have the power to help them succeed. Yoga has proven to be a great way to support our kids - physically, mentally, and emotionally. 

A Yoga Storytelling Adventure engages children through social-emotional learning, mindful movement, and imaginative play. They develop habits and skills that last a lifetime and support future happiness and success!

All our eBooks will be FREE May 24 and 25 for Mental Health Month. Grab one and let us know what you think! 

The Impossible Dream 

Forever Friends 

Peace and Quiet 


The Magic Peach Tree 


Kathe and Mel


Sunday, April 21, 2024

Have you had an astronomical adventure lately?

May open hearts lead us from darkness to light!

We did, and now we are embracing new beginnings brought on by the equinox and the eclipse! 

As we participate in the cosmic dance, we notice celestial events that offer profound opportunities for growth and transformation. The spring equinox brings us renewal and growth, and the balance between light and dark reminds us to find harmony in our lives. The solar eclipse offers us a moment of transition filled with potent energy where we are invited to set intentions for new beginnings. 

Mel came up to Arkansas for a spectacular solar eclipse viewing party. We were in the path of totality and experienced 3 minutes and 53 seconds of darkness mid-day. What an awe-inspiring phenomenon!

Eclipses are powerful portals of transformation. The alignment of the sun, moon, and earth creates a spectacle, casting shadows that remind us of the interplay between light and darkness, the seen and the unseen. At the heart of this display lies intention, the conscious act of directing our energies. It is a time to envision the life we wish to create and to infuse our intentions with the power of our hearts' desires. 

Amidst the vast expanse of possibility, may clear seeing be our guiding light. For it is in seeing clearly that we find the courage to step into our power, embrace our authenticity, and make connections that resonate with the essence of our being. 

In the yoga tradition intentions are known as a Sankalpa. A Sankalpa is a heartfelt desire that aligns with our true nature. Let us remember we are radiant light beings! May we set our Sankalpa for new beginnings with reverence and gratitude, knowing that with open hearts we can create a world of peace, love, and joy. 

As adults, we set intentions to help motivate, inspire, and guide us. The same is true for children. In a world that is often noisy and chaotic, intentions are a comforting way to guide children back to their center and what is important in life. 

Simple intentions for children inspiring peace, love, and joy:

  • I will do things that help me feel peaceful
  • I will show people I love that I love them
  • I will smile and be kind to my schoolmates
Kathe and Mel

p.s. Though our personal intentions change over time and with the seasons of our lives, our intention as children's authors remains constant - to inspire young readers to stretch their bodies and minds through social-emotional learning, mindful movement, and imaginative play!

In honor of Arbor Day, The Magic Peach Tree ebook will be FREE Friday and Saturday, April 26 and 27. If you haven't read it yet grab it quick and when you have a moment, please leave a review at Amazon or Goodreads. Thank you!!

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Can yoga for kids reduce anger and aggression?


We say yes!

We know anger and aggression are sparked by certain things. We know it happens in schools, on playgrounds, and on street corners. But is there something we can do to help kids learn how to peacefully resolve situations? 

Anger and aggression are reactions, which often manifest when emotions are uncontrolled. Years of research has found that yoga calms the body and the mind, but can it also help kids manage their emotions? Again, we say yes! It begins with becoming aware of our emotions and responding to them instead of reacting. A regular practice of asana, breathwork, and meditation can restore balance and harmony to the whole system.

An asana practice strengthens and tones the body, releasing restless energy as well as feel good hormones. Conscious controlled breathing while practicing helps us turn inward, we focus on the breath and our thoughts and emotions settle down. Guided meditations are great for kids too, a simple 5-minute imaginative journey can encourage self-control. [Guided meditations coming soon :)]

These studies have found that kids that practice yoga are more focused, they think more clearly and make good choices. They have fewer behavioral problems, are more focused and engaged in school, and their personal lives are enriched as well.  Yoga may not be the only way to reduce anger and aggression in kids, but it is one way.

Let’s do this!!

Practice this sequence with your child when both of you are calm. Once you are both comfortable with the postures it will be easier to move into the practice when anger and aggression show up. If your child wants to talk calmly about their emotions after the session allow them to, if they don’t that’s okay too.

1.Wide-legged forward fold pose

Stand tall, feet parallel, arms alongside the body. Step your feet out wide. Inhale and lengthen the spine, exhale and fold forward bringing the hands to the shins or perhaps the floor. Allow the head to hang. Stay in the pose for 3 breaths. Inhale, bend your knees and slowly return to standing. Pause.

2.  Downward-Facing Dog pose

Begin on all fours. Hands under shoulders and knees under hips. Spread your fingers wide. Inhale to prepare and exhale as you straighten your legs, lifting the hips high. Let the heels be heavy. Stay in the pose for 3 breaths.

3.  Plank pose

From Downward-Facing Dog shift forward. Arms are straight and shoulders are over the hands. Legs are straight and the toes are curled. You body is in a straight line from your head to your heels. Stay in the pose for 3 breaths.

4.  Child’s pose

From Plank pose lower the knees to the ground and shift the hips to sit back on your heels. Arms are stretched out in front and your forehead comes to the ground. Stay in the pose for 3 breaths.

5.  Rest pose

Lie on your back with your arms and legs stretched out. Close your eyes. Rest, relax, and breathe.

and then...

Hop, skip, and jump over to check out our series, tailor-made for springtime reading adventures! Explore the magic of story and the wisdom of yoga as each book takes you on a delightful journey blending social emotional learning, mindful movement, and imaginative play. Our kids yoga stories promise to ignite a love of reading while nurturing physical, as well as emotional and mental well-being. Embrace the spirit of spring with our vibrant tales that spark creativity. Click on the book links on the side panel or visit our website and let's spring into reading and yoga together!

visit us at


Kathe and Mel