Monday, October 10, 2022

Emotional Wellness for Kids

Emotional wellness is defined as the ability to process feelings in a healthy and positive way and manage the stress of everyday life.

Children may experience pressure from parents, teachers, peers and even from within themselves. This pressure can take many forms; some are minor bothers and others are major disturbances. Children must develop resilience in order to respond and adapt. Emotional wellness helps us see things from a different perspective.

Our goal as parents, teachers and caregivers is to help children realize that the world is a better place because they are in it, that they have something to contribute. This motivates them and gives them purpose.

Not all stress is a bad thing. Children learn about themselves as they learn about stress. Stress challenges us and successfully managing stressful situations enhances a child's ability to cope with future difficulties.  They learn how to traverse life’s mountains and valleys. However, when the stress is intense, it can affect the body, mind, and emotions.

Consistent daily stresses, though minor, often have consequences and we know major events can have lasting effects on health and well-being. Individual temperament determines how a child perceives and responds to stress as does age and development. Some children are naturally easy going, whereas change can throw others off balance.

Children can improve their ability to handle stress. Emotional support from family and friends helps, as does having previously succeeded in managing life’s challenges and strong sense of self-esteem is essential. 

Yoga has proven to have positive impacts on health including helping children to enhance their sense of self-esteem.  In numerous studies, yoga has repeatedly been shown to;

·         Increase self-confidence

·         manage stress and anxiety

·         regulate emotions

·         reduce hyperactivity and impulsivity

Yoga is more than exercise. Although exercise actives the mind in addition to the body, the practice of yoga is meant to bring the two together. The word yoga means union, and it is much more than merely the postures most of us are familiar with. 

Yoga offers a release from our day to day stress. It focuses on the action of connecting breath and movement. Yoga can help kids learn to live in the moment, focus on the task at hand, and handle problems peacefully.

Each particular posture has been cultivated over thousands of years to bring about effects in the mind and body. The postures not only stretch muscles they also constrict muscles. Children become more aware of their body and how it functions. Some poses are more difficult than others and kids should go slow and take it easy. 

The more often your child practices yoga, the greater the benefits. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends yoga as a safe and potentially effective therapy for children coping with emotional, mental, physical, and behavioral health conditions. Childhood is a great time to create healthy habits including yoga. Creating a yoga practice habit can have many positive impacts, some of the physical benefits include improved;

·          balance, strength and flexibility

·          coordination and concentration

·         digestive system and so much more 

Conscious breathing and a simple pose or two can be important tools for managing stresses as well as everyday challenges. Introduce your child to yoga with A Yoga Storytelling Adventure! 

Click on the link to get your FREE ebook; Wednesday and Thursday, October 12 and 13 for Emotional Wellness Month!

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Om Shanti, 
