Sunday, December 17, 2023

A Winter Wonderland Sequence


Happy Holidays! Take your kids on A Yoga Storytelling Adventure with this winter wonderland sequence and celebrate the solstice, and yuletide!

We encourage you to take time this winter break to practice yoga with your child. Beginning or renewing a practice will help them to develop healthy habits for overall well-being; physical, mental, and emotional health.

The constant demand of schoolwork, relationships, and responsibilities can overwhelm and exhaust kids. Yoga can help relieve stress and help kids find their inner calm.

In today’s fast-paced world, stress has become a part of kids’ lives. Stress is the body’s natural response to demands or threats. When we encounter a stressful situation our sympathetic nervous system kicks into high gear and releases hormones that tell the body to fight, freeze, or flee.

Stress can lead to headaches, digestive issues, a weak immune system and can even cause anxiety as well as sleep disturbances in children. Yoga is a powerful tool for managing stress, it restores balance to the nervous system relieving physical symptoms and the underlying mental and emotional causes.

Over time, kids learn how to respond rather than react when faced with challenges. Yoga gives kids an opportunity for self-reflection and self-regulation while fostering self-care.

Even a simple practice offers significant benefits. Slow mindful movements and awareness of the breath release tension in both body and mind. Add in a bit of imaginative play and kids will find stress melt away!

Enjoy this short Winter Wonderland story and yoga sequence. Hold each pose for a couple of breaths. Move slowly into and out of the poses and remember to do asymmetrical poses on both sides!

1.  Winter Wonderland Circles – Seated Hip Circles

I sit at the window, it’s my favorite time of the year. I watch and I wait, soon a winter wonderland will appear!

Sit tall in Easy pose with legs crossed. Place hands on knees. Circle the upper body in one direction for a few breaths and then reverse the circle.

Benefit - promotes mobility and flexibility to the spine and hips.

2.  Falling Snowflakes – Standing Side Stretch

Big, fat flakes are falling. From the sky they come down. They land on the earth and cover the ground.

From Mountain pose slowly inhale and lift one arm up then exhale as you reach over for a gentle side stretch. Pause and feel the stretch. Switch arms and repeat the stretch on the opposite side. Inhale as you lift your arm, exhale as you bend. Mindfully move from side to side a few times. Notice the strength of our arms and legs. Wiggle your fingers!

Benefit – stretches the shoulders and arms, increases spinal mobility and improves breathing capacity

3.  Snowy Tree – Tree Pose

Snow settles on the big, old fir tree. The branches are drooping, how heavy they must be.

From Mountain pose come onto the toes of one foot. Turn the knee out to the side and rest the toes on the ground or place the sole of the foot on the lower leg. Bring your hands together at your heart and slowly reach your arms overhead. Balance and breathe. Release the pose and repeat with the opposite foot.

Benefit – improves balance, and develops a strong core

4.  Sledding – bow pose

Now everything is covered in glistening white. I think I’ll go sledding. Yes, I just might.

Lie on your belly and bend your knees, then reach back and grasp your ankles. Inhale and lift the head, chest, and knees. Exhale in the pose and take another breath in and out. Release the pose.

Benefit - tones the back and strengthens abdominal muscles

5.  Downhill skier – chair pose

Mom likes to ski downhill. I haven’t tried it yet. Perhaps, this year I will.

Stand tall in Mountain pose, inhale and lift the arms up in front of the body, then exhale and bend the knees as you are sitting back in a chair. Hold the pose for a breath or two. Release.

Benefits – strengthens legs, upper back, lower back, and shoulders

6.  Snowboarder – Warrior II

Dad loves to snowboard. It looks like so much fun. When he comes to what he calls the finish line he always hollers, “Scored!”

From Mountain pose step back with the right foot. Turn the foot out and the torso to the side. Inhale and lift the arms to shoulder height, exhale and bend the left knee as you look out over the left fingertips. Release and step back into Mountain pose before repeating Warrior II on the opposite side.

Benefits – strengthens the legs and opens the chest.

7.  Ice Skater – Warrior III

The neighborhood kids gather at the ice-skating rink. I’m not sure I would like it, what if the ice breaks? I’d sink.

From Mountain pose reach forward and lift one leg behind you. Arms can be stretched out in front of you or opened out into a big T. Gently release and repeat on the opposite side.

Benefits – creates body stability, strengthens feet and ankles, improves balance

8.  Snow angels – Savasana

When all is said and done, I think snow angels are the best. Come and join me, please be my guest!

Lie on your back. Sweep the arms and legs out to the side creating a snow angel. Then bring the arms and legs into stillness and rest for a breath or two.

Benefits – Savasana resets the nervous system 

Take a look at some of the adventures we've had in the last couple of months. As always we are grateful for your support!

You can check out the youtube READ ALOUD from 
Peace Love Learn here  

Om shanti, shanti, shanti
May we have peace in our hearts, peace in our homes, and peace in the world

Kathe and Mel


Thursday, October 5, 2023

Fall Fun!


Why combine story and yoga?

Because there is no better way to learn than through imaginative play!

Our Kids Yoga Stories enhance children’s natural curiosity about the world, encourage their innate creativity, and engage them in mindful movement. Improving the health and well-being of children is our mission and why we started writing books in the first place!

Here is a simple story and yoga sequence using a multi-sensory approach for some FALL fun! 

Yoga is an ideal exercise for parents and children to practice together. It gets energy moving when the body is slow and slows energy down when the body is hyperactive.

No special equipment is needed. Comfy clothes, bare feet, a non-slip surface and space to move is all that’s required. Yoga mats are nice but not necessary. Practice this fall sequence outside on the earth.

Practicing with your child helps them develop healthy habits for overall well-being; physical, mental, and emotional health. Don’t worry about kids getting the pose perfect. The most important thing is to get them to become aware of their body, to move slowly and be mindful of the breath.

Hold each pose for a breath or two as you breathe in and out slowly.

Use your senses and your imagination and FALL into A Yoga Storytelling Adventure!

1.   Stand tall – Mountain pose

I stand tall, look around and notice.

Stand strong with your arms at your sides, your shoulders stacked on top of your hips, your head reaching high to the sky, and breathe deep.

Benefit – improves posture, stability, and body awareness

2.  Tree – Tree pose

The days are getting cooler. A new season is beginning, and the leaves on the trees are changing colors.

From Mountain pose come onto the toes of one foot. Turn the knee out to the side and rest the toes on the ground or place the sole of the foot on the lower leg. Bring your heads together at your heart and slowly reach your arms overhead. Balance and breathe. Release the pose and repeat with the opposite foot.

Benefit – improves balance, and develops a strong core

3.  The Wind – Standing Side Stretch

A gentle wind blows, and the colorful leaves begin to rustle.

From Mountain pose slowly inhale and lift one arm up then exhale as you reach over for a gentle side stretch. Pause and feel the stretch. Switch arms and repeat the stretch on the opposite side. Inhale as you lift your arm, exhale as you bend. Mindfully move from side to side a few times. Notice the strength of our arms and legs. Wiggle your fingers!

Benefit – stretches the shoulders and arms, increases spinal mobility and improves breathing capacity

4. Leaves falling – Dancer Pose

A red leaf falls to the ground, and then an orange one. They look like they are dancing in the breeze!

From Mountain pose, lean forward and reach your arms out in front as you lift one leg out behind you. Perhaps you bend your knee and reach back, and grab hold of the foot with your hand. Come back to mountain and repeat on the opposite side.

Benefit - strengthens the feet, ankles, legs, core, back, arms and shoulders, as it improves balance and concentration


5. Gather Leaves – Forward Fold


I rake the leaves and gather them into a big pile.


From Mountain pose, hinge at the hips and allow your arms and head to hang down towards the ground. It’s ok to bend your knees. Hold the pose for a breath or two and then round up slowly.


Benefits – stretches the legs, develops core stability and strength, improves digestion

6. Fall into the Leaves – Triangle pose


The leaves look soft and fluffy like a cloud, and I fall into them.


From Mountain pose step one foot back and turn it out to the side. Raise the arms to shoulder height and reach out with the front hand, now tip over like a teapot. The front hand reaches to the shin and the back hand reaches to the sky. Release the pose, come back into Mountain pose and repeat on the opposite side.


Benefits - strengthens the legs and back, stretches the thighs and shoulders, energizes the body, improves balance


 7.   Toss leaves – Lunge Pose


Kneeling down I toss them in the air!


From Mountain pose set one foot back and bring the knee down to the ground. Lift the arms up overhead and breathe. Release the pose and repeat on the opposite side.


Benefits – stretches the hip flexors, improves balance and stability, strengthens the core

8.   Rest – Easy pose


That was so much fun! Now it is time to rest, I am grateful for the seasons!


Sit with your legs crossed, seat on the ground and head held high to the sky. Hands rest on your knees. Breathe.


Benefits – improves postural awareness, calming and soothing

Fall Blessings, 


To learn more about our Kids Yoga Stories click here >

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

“For it is in giving that we receive.” - St Francis of Assisi


This is the quote that opens our newest book. It's one of our favorites!

Practicing yoga reveals limitless possibilities. We become aware of our innate power as humans and realize the yogic lifestyle does not end with breathing exercises, posture practice, and meditation. 

As we move along on this yoga storytelling adventure called LIFE many questions arise. We often wonder, what can I do with this creative energy and how can I make an impact in the world?

One answer is Seva, as it is known in the yoga world. Seva is the Sanskrit word for selfless service. It is the practice of serving others without expecting payment, acknowledgement, or any type of reward in return. 

In our search for joy and happiness it doesn't always occur to us that giving and serving others is a way to find it. While the point of Seva is to give without expectation, we do receive many benefits. Some of which are;

·        Emotional well-being

·        Stress reduction

·        Improved morale

·        Greater joy and happiness

·        Inner peace

Mel and I recently had the opportunity to practice Seva. We shared story and yoga with about 40 kids at Camp Brave Hearts. This summer camp hosted by Hospice of Acadiana is for children who have lost a loved one. We shared the story "The Most Beautiful Heart" and practiced heart opening postures. May our humble offering help them to connect to their emotions so that they may process their grief. 

Whenever you feel the inner call to do something nice and you do it without needing a thank you in return, that is Seva. Even something as simple as checking on a neighbor, picking up trash, listening to a troubled friend, or smiling at a stranger.  

Whatever calls to you, rest assured that your selfless service will create a new level of joy, meaning, and fulfillment in your life.

Sharing story and yoga calls to us, that’s the main reason we started writing children’s books in the first place. Here is a sneak peek at our upcoming newest title, The Magic Peach Tree, humility, generosity, and abundance abound in this timeless tale. 

We'd love for you to be a part of our launch team. A launch team member gets an advanced reader copy PDF, and prepares a review. On launch day we ask that you download the eBook for FREE and leave the review on our book page on Amazon soon thereafter. That way it shows as a verified purchase and reviews are how indie authors get seen. 😀 

click here > The Magic Peach Tree launch team

We close with another of our favorite quotes, this one by Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore, “I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.”   

Mahalo, we serve.

Xoxo Kathe and Mel

Sunday, July 23, 2023

You want me to do what with my nose?

Ummm… you want me to do what with my nose?

Yup, that might be the reaction you get from kids or anyone for that matter, but this funny-looking ancient yogic breathing practice is powerful!

Kids love doing goofy things so it shouldn’t be too difficult to get them to give this a try.

So what is it?

It is called alternate nostril breathing, also known as Nadi Shodahana Pranayama.  

    * Nadi = energy channel

·       * Shodhana = purification

·       * Pranayama = breathing technique

What is it good for?

Stop for a moment and close your eyes. Take a long, slow, deep breath in, and then gently exhale allowing the breath to slowly leave the body.

Notice how you feel. Less anxious? More relaxed? That’s the power of the breath, or pranayama as the yogis say.

The goal of Nadi Shodhana Pranayama is to purify the nervous system by balancing breath between the right and left nostrils, calming the body and mind.

 How do you do it?

This practice is for children 8 years and older, be prepared for some giggles but kids will soon get the hang of it!

There are various hand positions one can use for this practice; however, the easiest one for kids is simply using the thumb and index finger of the right hand.

The thumb will close off the right nostril and the index finger will close off the left. Curl the other three fingers in toward the palm and you are good to go.

·       * Find a comfortable seat and take a long, slow, deep breath in and out, close the eyes.

·       * Close the right nostril (with the thumb) and inhale through the left nostril, pause.

·       * Close the left nostril (with the index finger) and exhale through the right nostril, pause.

·       * Inhale through the right nostril, pause.

·      *  Close the right nostril and exhale through the left.

This makes one round. Repeat this cycle for 5-7 rounds.

Simple yogic breathing is a powerful tool for managing thoughts, emotions, and energy levels.

Introducing new concepts and techniques with your kids is easy, just practice with them. Don’t worry about getting it just right. Giggle a little bit and enjoy the moment!

Our book, Peace and Quiet, includes three easy breathing techniques for kids to use as a means of self-empowerment. Even the littlest of yogis can become calm, focused, and alert with belly breathing, bee breath, and bunny breath!

Click here for the
FREE audio of the breathing exercises 

Peace and Quiet Breathing Exercises

Happy Breathing! 


Monday, June 26, 2023

Fun in the Sun!


Why combine story and yoga?

Because there is no better way to learn than through imaginative play!

Our Kids Yoga Stories enhance children’s natural curiosity about the world, encourage their innate creativity, and engage them in mindful movement. Improving the health and well-being of children is our mission and why we started writing books in the first place!

Here is a simple story and yoga sequence using a multi-sensory approach for some summertime fun! 

Yoga is an ideal exercise for parents and children to practice together. It gets energy moving when the body is slow and slows down energy when the body is overactive.

No special equipment is needed. Comfy clothes, bare feet, a non-slip surface and space to move is all that’s required. Yoga mats are nice but not necessary. Practice this summer sequence outside on a big beach towel.

Practicing with your child helps them develop healthy habits for overall well-being; physical, mental, and emotional health. Don’t worry about kids getting the pose perfect. The most important thing is to get them to listen to their body, move slowly, and become aware of the breath.

Hold each pose for a breath or two as you breathe in and out slowly.


Use your senses and imagination and let’s go to the beach on A Yoga Storytelling Adventure!

1. The summer sun - Mountain pose

Imagine the summer sun shining brightly as it warms your skin, and feel your toes sink into the soft sand.

Stand tall with feet hip distance apart, head lifted high to the sky.

Benefit – improves posture, stability, and body awareness.


2. Surfer - Warrior II 

You see a surfer out on the waves. His arms are spread wide and he looks strong and courageous.

From Mountain pose step back with the right foot. Turn the foot out and the torso to the side. Inhale and lift the arms to shoulder height, exhale and bend the left knee as you look out over the left fingertips. Release and step back into Mountain pose before repeating Warrior II on the opposite side. 

Benefits – strengthens the legs and opens the chest.  


3. Dolphins -Dolphin pose 

You hear laughter and notice dolphins as they play in the blue green water.

From Mountain pose come down to hands and knees, hands under shoulders and knees under hips. Bring the forearms to the ground with the elbows under the shoulders. Tuck the toes and straighten the legs. Gaze at your toes.

Benefits – strengthens the arms and stretches the back of the legs.


4. Swimming - Locust pose 

You reach out and taste the salty sea, then dive in for a swim.

From Dolphin pose slowly come down to lying on the belly. Stretch the arms out behind you, palms facing up. Inhale and lift the head, chest, arms, and legs, reach out through your fingers and toes. Exhale and relax. Repeat the pose.

Benefits – strengthens the back of the body.


5. Sandcastle - Downward facing dog pose 

Now it’s time to build a sandcastle, with buckets and shovels you create a fortress.   

Return to hands and knees. Curl the toes and lift the hips up, gaze at the toes.

Benefits – strengthens the arms and legs, stretches the spine.


6. Sand Crabs - Upward facing table pose  

Sand crabs scurry by and you scoot after them.

Sit with feet flat and knees bent. Place the hands behind you, fingers pointing towards the body. Inhale and lift the hips. Look up at the sky and scoot forward and back like a crab.

Benefits – strengthens arms, legs, and the core body.


7. Sailboats -  Boat pose         

Colorful boats with white sails skim across the ocean.

From Upward facing table pose release the hips to the ground. Sit tall and reach the arms out in front of you. Lift the feet off the ground and maybe even straighten the legs.

Benefits – builds core strength.

8. Starfish -Star pose

A starfish washes onto the beach as the sun begins to set, and you gently toss it back into the water. Breathing in and out slowly, you say - goodbye beach, see you next time!

Come back to Mountain pose. Step the feet out wide and turn the toes out. Inhale as you lift the arms out to shoulder height, reaching out with the fingertips. Exhale and press down through the feet. Twinkle like a star!


Summer blessings,


Monday, June 5, 2023

Making a BIG SPLASH!

Our newest title recently launched and it's making a BIG SPLASH

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reviews are coming in!!

This is what Leigh Ann had to say,

"This is my first time reading a yoga story, and I couldn't have started with a better one. Revolving around Hawaiian culture, this story tells us of two brothers who save a shark, but then break a rule within their village. Their father seeks help with their punishment via the Shark God, and not to ruin it, but it does have a happy ending.
The book starts with a quote from the Dalai Lama, followed by a letter to parents, and then leads into some quick instruction on the Hawaiian language. The story begins, and with some beautiful illustrations throughout, takes us on a wonderful Hawaiian journey. Not finished yet, the book then leads us through Loving-Kindness Compassion Meditation and ends with 4 pages of yoga poses that coincide with the story.
I love everything about this book. It is packed, cover to cover, with so much, and I am here for it. I can't wait to get a physical copy of it in my hands to share with my family."

Mel and I took a trip to Hawaii several years back, we were both captivated and enthralled by the magnificence. We gave a yogic twist to this terrific tale in honor of the people and customs of the islands and feedback like this is more than a little heartwarming!!

This Yoga Storytelling Adventure takes us on a captivating journey to Hawaii, where two boys free a shark struggling in the sand. In celebration the boys beat the High Chief's drum, which is kapu, forbidden. What will happen now?

In this timeless tale, courage, perseverance, and compassion are exemplified. Although intended for ages 4 to 8, SHARK LOVERS and kids of all ages will be enthralled. 

Included is a Hawaiian word guide to help develop an appreciation of a different language, and best of all, a full description of yoga poses make the story come alive as you go on A Yoga Storytelling Adventure!

We'd love to hear from you too! Grab your FREE eBook June 9 and 10, and kindly leave a review when you have a moment. One or two sentences will do!

Get it here >

Oh, and check this out....we have a treat for teachers and homeschool parents too. The Toolkit has creative curriculum ideas, concepts to consider, and conversation starters. A great companion to the book!

Creating calm, confident, and compassionate kids through story and yoga,
Kathe and Mel