Thursday, October 5, 2023

Fall Fun!


Why combine story and yoga?

Because there is no better way to learn than through imaginative play!

Our Kids Yoga Stories enhance children’s natural curiosity about the world, encourage their innate creativity, and engage them in mindful movement. Improving the health and well-being of children is our mission and why we started writing books in the first place!

Here is a simple story and yoga sequence using a multi-sensory approach for some FALL fun! 

Yoga is an ideal exercise for parents and children to practice together. It gets energy moving when the body is slow and slows energy down when the body is hyperactive.

No special equipment is needed. Comfy clothes, bare feet, a non-slip surface and space to move is all that’s required. Yoga mats are nice but not necessary. Practice this fall sequence outside on the earth.

Practicing with your child helps them develop healthy habits for overall well-being; physical, mental, and emotional health. Don’t worry about kids getting the pose perfect. The most important thing is to get them to become aware of their body, to move slowly and be mindful of the breath.

Hold each pose for a breath or two as you breathe in and out slowly.

Use your senses and your imagination and FALL into A Yoga Storytelling Adventure!

1.   Stand tall – Mountain pose

I stand tall, look around and notice.

Stand strong with your arms at your sides, your shoulders stacked on top of your hips, your head reaching high to the sky, and breathe deep.

Benefit – improves posture, stability, and body awareness

2.  Tree – Tree pose

The days are getting cooler. A new season is beginning, and the leaves on the trees are changing colors.

From Mountain pose come onto the toes of one foot. Turn the knee out to the side and rest the toes on the ground or place the sole of the foot on the lower leg. Bring your heads together at your heart and slowly reach your arms overhead. Balance and breathe. Release the pose and repeat with the opposite foot.

Benefit – improves balance, and develops a strong core

3.  The Wind – Standing Side Stretch

A gentle wind blows, and the colorful leaves begin to rustle.

From Mountain pose slowly inhale and lift one arm up then exhale as you reach over for a gentle side stretch. Pause and feel the stretch. Switch arms and repeat the stretch on the opposite side. Inhale as you lift your arm, exhale as you bend. Mindfully move from side to side a few times. Notice the strength of our arms and legs. Wiggle your fingers!

Benefit – stretches the shoulders and arms, increases spinal mobility and improves breathing capacity

4. Leaves falling – Dancer Pose

A red leaf falls to the ground, and then an orange one. They look like they are dancing in the breeze!

From Mountain pose, lean forward and reach your arms out in front as you lift one leg out behind you. Perhaps you bend your knee and reach back, and grab hold of the foot with your hand. Come back to mountain and repeat on the opposite side.

Benefit - strengthens the feet, ankles, legs, core, back, arms and shoulders, as it improves balance and concentration


5. Gather Leaves – Forward Fold


I rake the leaves and gather them into a big pile.


From Mountain pose, hinge at the hips and allow your arms and head to hang down towards the ground. It’s ok to bend your knees. Hold the pose for a breath or two and then round up slowly.


Benefits – stretches the legs, develops core stability and strength, improves digestion

6. Fall into the Leaves – Triangle pose


The leaves look soft and fluffy like a cloud, and I fall into them.


From Mountain pose step one foot back and turn it out to the side. Raise the arms to shoulder height and reach out with the front hand, now tip over like a teapot. The front hand reaches to the shin and the back hand reaches to the sky. Release the pose, come back into Mountain pose and repeat on the opposite side.


Benefits - strengthens the legs and back, stretches the thighs and shoulders, energizes the body, improves balance


 7.   Toss leaves – Lunge Pose


Kneeling down I toss them in the air!


From Mountain pose set one foot back and bring the knee down to the ground. Lift the arms up overhead and breathe. Release the pose and repeat on the opposite side.


Benefits – stretches the hip flexors, improves balance and stability, strengthens the core

8.   Rest – Easy pose


That was so much fun! Now it is time to rest, I am grateful for the seasons!


Sit with your legs crossed, seat on the ground and head held high to the sky. Hands rest on your knees. Breathe.


Benefits – improves postural awareness, calming and soothing

Fall Blessings, 


To learn more about our Kids Yoga Stories click here >