Sunday, October 11, 2020

Praise to the Jewel in the Lotus

Om mani padme hum, this Sanskrit chant is pronounced OHM MAH NEE PAHD MAY HUM. All the Buddha's teachings are held in this one phrase. This ancient Buddhist mantra translates as "Praise to the Jewel in the Lotus."

There are different meanings and different opinions as to what each syllable represents. It is commonly thought that each syllable represents one of the six goals of existence and that the mantra purifies our heart-mind as it brings forth the qualities of the goal...the lotus blossoms and the jewel is revealed. 

Let's look at each syllable; 

OM - represents divine energy and purifies the ego

MA - represents ethics and purifies jealousy

NI - represents patience and purifies passion

PAD - represents diligence and purifies ignorance

ME - represents concentration and purifies greed

HUM - represents wisdom and purifies hatred

It is chanted over and over again to invoke the loving and unconditional qualities of compassion. The practice of this mantra connects us to our innate loving and compassionate nature. Within all of us is a lotus flower, it grows up out of the mud and muck to become a beautiful, fragrant blossom. 

Including this ancient mantra in an asana practice transforms it. The mantra can be chanted aloud or silently. I've added it to the six basic spinal moves, perfect for a morning practice. It takes about 6-10 minutes total. I do hope you give it a try.

Your spine can move in six directions; forward bend, backward bend, right side stretch, left side stretch, right twist, and left twist. Not only can it move in six directions, it needs to move in all six directions every day for optimal health. The health of the spine is the health of the nervous system! 

Begin sitting tall in easy pose - sitting mountain. Bring the hands together at the heart, leaving a small space between the palms. Imagine holding a precious jewel. 

Next, with eyes closed consider the story this month; Praise to the Jewel in the Lotus as you open the hands into Lotus Mudra, fingers spread, thumbs and pinkie fingers stay touching. 

Inhale and reach the arms out to the side and overhead bringing the hands to gently touch as you repeat the mantra; Om mani padme hum. 

Exhale as you stretch over to the right side, right hand touches the earth and left hand reaches over, the left elbow lifts high to the sky, repeat the mantra. 

Inhale and come back to sitting tall as you round the arms overhead bringing the hands to gently touch, repeat the mantra. 

Exhale as you stretch over to the left side, left hand touches the earth and right hand reaches over, the right elbow lifts high to the sky, repeat the mantra. 

Inhale and come back to sitting tall as you round the arms overhead bringing the hands to gently touch, repeat the mantra.

Exhale and fold forward, bring the hands to the earth, walk them out and round the head, neck and upper back down to the ground, repeat the mantra. 

Inhale as you lift the head and neck in line with the spine, walk the hands back towards the body as you lift the shoulders. Exhale and bring the hands down behind the back, lifting the heart and come into a gentle back bend. The chin stays parallel to the earth, repeat the mantra. 

Inhale and come back to sitting tall as you round the arms overhead bringing the hands to gently touch, repeat the mantra.

Exhale and gently twist to the right bringing the right hand back behind the right hip and the left hand to the inside of the left knee, repeat the mantra. 

Inhale and come back to sitting tall as you round the arms overhead bringing the hands to gently touch, repeat the mantra. 

Exhale and gently twist to the left, repeat the mantra. 

Inhale and come back to sitting tall as you round the arms overhead bringing the hands to gently touch, repeat the mantra. 

Exhale and bring the hands down in front of the heart, repeat the mantra.  

Switch out the cross of the legs, and repeat the entire sequence again. Once your hands return to the heart, open them into Lotus Mudra and rest in the Jewel for a few precious moments. Remember you are this precious jewel, you have risen out of the mud and the muck and blossomed into a beautiful, fragrant lotus flower! 

Om mani padme hum
