Sunday, December 17, 2023

A Winter Wonderland Sequence


Happy Holidays! Take your kids on A Yoga Storytelling Adventure with this winter wonderland sequence and celebrate the solstice, and yuletide!

We encourage you to take time this winter break to practice yoga with your child. Beginning or renewing a practice will help them to develop healthy habits for overall well-being; physical, mental, and emotional health.

The constant demand of schoolwork, relationships, and responsibilities can overwhelm and exhaust kids. Yoga can help relieve stress and help kids find their inner calm.

In today’s fast-paced world, stress has become a part of kids’ lives. Stress is the body’s natural response to demands or threats. When we encounter a stressful situation our sympathetic nervous system kicks into high gear and releases hormones that tell the body to fight, freeze, or flee.

Stress can lead to headaches, digestive issues, a weak immune system and can even cause anxiety as well as sleep disturbances in children. Yoga is a powerful tool for managing stress, it restores balance to the nervous system relieving physical symptoms and the underlying mental and emotional causes.

Over time, kids learn how to respond rather than react when faced with challenges. Yoga gives kids an opportunity for self-reflection and self-regulation while fostering self-care.

Even a simple practice offers significant benefits. Slow mindful movements and awareness of the breath release tension in both body and mind. Add in a bit of imaginative play and kids will find stress melt away!

Enjoy this short Winter Wonderland story and yoga sequence. Hold each pose for a couple of breaths. Move slowly into and out of the poses and remember to do asymmetrical poses on both sides!

1.  Winter Wonderland Circles – Seated Hip Circles

I sit at the window, it’s my favorite time of the year. I watch and I wait, soon a winter wonderland will appear!

Sit tall in Easy pose with legs crossed. Place hands on knees. Circle the upper body in one direction for a few breaths and then reverse the circle.

Benefit - promotes mobility and flexibility to the spine and hips.

2.  Falling Snowflakes – Standing Side Stretch

Big, fat flakes are falling. From the sky they come down. They land on the earth and cover the ground.

From Mountain pose slowly inhale and lift one arm up then exhale as you reach over for a gentle side stretch. Pause and feel the stretch. Switch arms and repeat the stretch on the opposite side. Inhale as you lift your arm, exhale as you bend. Mindfully move from side to side a few times. Notice the strength of our arms and legs. Wiggle your fingers!

Benefit – stretches the shoulders and arms, increases spinal mobility and improves breathing capacity

3.  Snowy Tree – Tree Pose

Snow settles on the big, old fir tree. The branches are drooping, how heavy they must be.

From Mountain pose come onto the toes of one foot. Turn the knee out to the side and rest the toes on the ground or place the sole of the foot on the lower leg. Bring your hands together at your heart and slowly reach your arms overhead. Balance and breathe. Release the pose and repeat with the opposite foot.

Benefit – improves balance, and develops a strong core

4.  Sledding – bow pose

Now everything is covered in glistening white. I think I’ll go sledding. Yes, I just might.

Lie on your belly and bend your knees, then reach back and grasp your ankles. Inhale and lift the head, chest, and knees. Exhale in the pose and take another breath in and out. Release the pose.

Benefit - tones the back and strengthens abdominal muscles

5.  Downhill skier – chair pose

Mom likes to ski downhill. I haven’t tried it yet. Perhaps, this year I will.

Stand tall in Mountain pose, inhale and lift the arms up in front of the body, then exhale and bend the knees as you are sitting back in a chair. Hold the pose for a breath or two. Release.

Benefits – strengthens legs, upper back, lower back, and shoulders

6.  Snowboarder – Warrior II

Dad loves to snowboard. It looks like so much fun. When he comes to what he calls the finish line he always hollers, “Scored!”

From Mountain pose step back with the right foot. Turn the foot out and the torso to the side. Inhale and lift the arms to shoulder height, exhale and bend the left knee as you look out over the left fingertips. Release and step back into Mountain pose before repeating Warrior II on the opposite side.

Benefits – strengthens the legs and opens the chest.

7.  Ice Skater – Warrior III

The neighborhood kids gather at the ice-skating rink. I’m not sure I would like it, what if the ice breaks? I’d sink.

From Mountain pose reach forward and lift one leg behind you. Arms can be stretched out in front of you or opened out into a big T. Gently release and repeat on the opposite side.

Benefits – creates body stability, strengthens feet and ankles, improves balance

8.  Snow angels – Savasana

When all is said and done, I think snow angels are the best. Come and join me, please be my guest!

Lie on your back. Sweep the arms and legs out to the side creating a snow angel. Then bring the arms and legs into stillness and rest for a breath or two.

Benefits – Savasana resets the nervous system 

Take a look at some of the adventures we've had in the last couple of months. As always we are grateful for your support!

You can check out the youtube READ ALOUD from 
Peace Love Learn here  

Om shanti, shanti, shanti
May we have peace in our hearts, peace in our homes, and peace in the world

Kathe and Mel