Stillness comes and goes. Thoughts come and go. Dreams come
and go. It’s the nature of life in time and space.
Ever the student as well as the research librarian, I’ve read about meditation and tried
various practices for years but it has always been rather hit and miss, I just
couldn’t get into a regular groove. There was always so much to do, there was no time to practice! But in the words of Lao Tzu, “When nothing is
done, nothing is left undone.” What I think this means is that from stillness
comes action, right action. So I decided I wanted to take right action.
We can read and read and read but if we don’t put our “knowledge”
into practice, have we really learned anything? I believe we learn as we do. So several months ago, I set out to devote
myself to practice meditation, even if just for a few minutes every day. In the
past I had been looking for the mystical and the magical and I never did
discover it, not yet anyway. What I have found though, is there is mindfulness
in the mundane. Just sitting for a few
moments and being mindful of your thoughts, watching them come and go; being
mindful of the body and what it is feeling, brings infinite wisdom.
The most impressive lesson I’ve learned is the importance of
what we think and feel. Our thoughts are the stories we tell ourselves, they effect how we feel about the events of our lives. By changing our thoughts, we can change our lives. Thoughts
become things! Since thoughts become things it must be important to be mindful of
what we are thinking. Once we are aware of our thoughts, becoming mindful of
our words is the next reasonable step. From here we take action and as we all know
actions are more powerful than words. Our thoughts, words, and actions create our lives. This is how it’d done, this is how we manifest our dreams.
There are so many meditation methods to choose from. Give a
few a try until you find one that works for you. The following are a few books I enjoyed immensely, may they get you started on your adventure into meditation,
mindfulness, and manifestation.
A Woman’s Book of Meditation
written by Kundalini Yoga and meditation teacher Hari Kaur Khalsa. She gives basic steps to tune in
and create a space in which to meditate, focusing on the ancient method of chanting as a way to develop inner wisdom.
The Last Best Cure by Donna
Jackson Nakazawa, is a personal memoir filled with mindful practices. The author has a
chronic illness and through scientific studies and experiences of mindful practices found better health, peace and joy. She
encourages us to practice three mindful things every day. An inspiration!
Moving Into Meditation by
Anne Cushmann, is a twelve week guide for exploring body based meditation practices. She gives us the time,
space and freedom to open our mind, body and spirit.
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