Sunday, May 19, 2024

May is Mental Health Month


Here’s a short sequence to practice with your kiddos! Begin in Mountain pose and move clockwise, end nice and calm in Rest pose. 

Just like adults, children’s ability to relax has a significant impact on their mental health. The state of balance doesn’t always come naturally, that is why we ‘practice’ yoga. A regular yoga practice allows children to redirect their energy, calming both the body and the mind. Yoga increases a child’s well-being and enhances self-worth and may be helpful for those who are destructive and aggressive as well.

Anyone can do yoga, there is no need to worry about getting it wrong. The difference between yoga and other sports is that we move slowly into and out of poses while focusing on the breath. Gentle stretches relax us. Improved posture, balance, strength, and flexibility are a few of the physical benefits.

Compassion and empathy are developed. Memory and overall mood are enhanced and controlled studies have shown that yoga helps students’ anxiety as well as behavior. 

We want our children to reach their full potential. As parents and educators, we have the power to help them succeed. Yoga has proven to be a great way to support our kids - physically, mentally, and emotionally. 

A Yoga Storytelling Adventure engages children through social-emotional learning, mindful movement, and imaginative play. They develop habits and skills that last a lifetime and support future happiness and success!

All our eBooks will be FREE May 24 and 25 for Mental Health Month. Grab one and let us know what you think! 

The Impossible Dream 

Forever Friends 

Peace and Quiet 


The Magic Peach Tree 


Kathe and Mel